Buena Vista Creek Trail
This project is working to develop a detailed concept plan for an approximately 12-mile trail
that would extend along Buena Vista Creek from Brengle Terrace Park in Vista all the way to the
coastal trail near the mouth of the at the Buena Vista Lagoon. It would be a major east/west
connection between inland areas and the coast, greatly increasing coastal access for both
pedestrians and bicycles.
About This Project
Who is proposing this project?
Lead Organization: Preserve Calavera
Website: preservecalavera.org
Supporting organizations:
- City of Vista
- City of Oceanside
- City of Carlsbad
- The Vista Conservancy
- Buena Vista Audubon Society
- San Diego Bicycle Coalition
- San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians
What is proposed?
The Buena Vista Creek Trail project envisions the creation of an extensive 12-mile trail, spanning from Brengle Terrace Park in Vista to the coastal trail near Buena Vista Lagoon’s mouth. Its primary goal is to establish a significant east/west connection, offering improved coastal access to pedestrians and cyclists and enhancing regional connectivity. By facilitating direct access from inland areas to the coast, this trail will open up new opportunities for nearby communities to explore and immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the region. This trail would help connect multiple existing park and preserve areas and would improve coastal access in a corridor that is currently limited to automobiles.
This project is the initial effort to develop a concept plan for such a trail. It would result in a
report that could then be used to refine alternatives and costs and then prepare construction
plans in a later phase. The initial scope of the project includes:
- Identification of constraints such as land ownership and topography
- Evaluation of alternative pathways for sections with barriers like sensitive vegetation, nearby high-speed traffic, or high costs to implement
- Consideration of trail connections to other existing or planned trails
- Estimation of the costs to construct the trail
This project builds on several existing short stretches of trail. The city of Vista included a multi-modal trail concept along the creek as part of their last General Plan update, and about 2.3 miles of the trail has been built in the upper reach from Brengle Terrace to Wildwood Park. However, no comprehensive plan is in place to complete even the Vista portion of what would be a much longer trail. There is also a small segment constructed through the Quarry Creek development in Carlsbad south of El Salto falls up to the border with the Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve (BVCER). This east/west trail would also enhance access to the Coastal Rail Trail included in SANDAG’s Regional Transportation Plan.
Project Location
The Buena Vista Creek Trail project would span approximately 12 miles along Buena Vista Creek, starting from Brengle Terrace Park in Vista and extending through Oceanside. The trail would continue through Carlsbad, running south of El Salto Falls along Buena Vista Lagoon until it connects with the Coastal Rail Trail.

Why is this project on the 30×30 list?
The Buena Vista Creek Trail project aligns with the 30×30 initiative by making significant contributions to biodiversity improvement, climate resilience, and enhanced public access to land. Through careful planning and preservation efforts, the project will create a healthier and more diverse ecosystem. By protecting critical habitats, it will provide a safe haven for numerous plant and animal species, ensuring a balanced and thriving natural environment. Additionally, the restoration activities will bolster climate resilience by acting as carbon sinks, mitigating the effects of climate change and promoting resistance against extreme weather events. Lastly, the trail’s development will provide the community with better opportunities to connect with nature, fostering appreciation for the region’s natural beauty and cultural heritage.
How will this project be completed?
Currently, the Buena Vista Creek Trail project is in its initial phase, with the primary objective of developing a detailed concept plan. The concept plan would include identifying what environmental review and permits would be required for actual construction in a later phase of the project.
Obstacles include the complexity of working across multiple jurisdictional boundaries and private landowners and the challenges of coordinating multiple stakeholders. A particular challenge will be identifying alignment options around the Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve.